Charles Knight is recognized worldwide as the foremost expert on the methods of waterless, greaseless cooking. He has written three cookbooks that offer tips as well as recipes to use with waterless, stainless steel cookware. He suggests that you use unsalted butter as the lubricant in your pan. This will help you achieve the proper cooking temperature for cooking the eggs. If the butter burns, the pan is definitely too hot. Once you have identified the proper cooking temperature for eggs, you may witch to oil as a lubricant.
Frying Eggs
Preheat your gourmet chef’s pan over medium heat. Place a small amount of unsalted butter in the pan—make sure it is enough to cover the bottom of the pan when melted. When the water bubbles release from the butter (usually about 2 – 3 minutes), add the eggs. When whites cook to the desired firmness, flip eggs and cook on the other side to desired firmness. As an option, you can cover the gourmet pan with a larger cover and cook to the desired firmness.
Scrambled Eggs
Prepare eggs to scramble by placing 2 eggs in a bowl. Add 1 Tbsp. of water and whip thoroughly with a whisk or fork.
Preheat gourmet chef’s pan over medium heat. Place a small amount on unsalted butter in the pan—make sure it is enough to cover the bottom of the pan when melted. When the water bubbles release from the butter (usually about 2 – 3 minutes), add the eggs. As the eggs begin to cook, draw cooked part from the edge of the pan toward the center with a fork allowing unco0ked egg batter to move to the surface of pan. Continue to repeat the process until the eggs are scrambled to desired firmness.
Soft Cooked Eggs
In a cool small saucepan, place eggs and 2 Tbsp. water for one egg, adding 1 Tbsp. for each additional egg, up to six. Use 1/2 cup water for more than 6 eggs. Cover pan and open vent. Cook on medium heat until steam appears, about 2 minutes. For electric range, turn off heat. For gas range, turn flame as low as possible. Time the eggs from the instant steam appears through the vent. Close the vent and continue cooking 3 – 4 minutes for soft cooked, 5 minutes for very firm white and medium soft yolk.
Hard Cooked Eggs
Use the same method as above, additional water for additional eggs. Cover and close the vent. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Turn burner off and leave covered 10 minutes. Cool in cold water, then peel.
Poached Eggs
Pour 1 cup hot water into a small saucepan or small skillet with egg poaching rack. Break eggs into lightly buttered egg cups. Place on egg poaching rack. Cover and close the vent. Cook over medium heat until steam appears. Reduce to low. Continue cooking 3 – 4 minutes for soft cooked eggs, or longer to desired firmness.